i've decided to start a challenge for myself (loner party of one) and try every food trucks there is in manhattan. according to tweat.it i am only 1.5% there.
follow me (and join me, if you will), as i make my journey around the island, enjoying the many delicious treats, and the bulbous-ness that i will soon become. here are a few pics of the drool-worthy meals i've already had. (note, first pic was taken from seriouseats, i was three quarters done with my schnitz burger before i remembered to take a pic)
schnitzel & things - schnitz burger
eddie's pizza truck (sweet potato gnocchi= AMAZING)
big gay ice cream truck -- bea author (vanilla ice cream, dulce de leche, and vanilla wafers)
please share any food trucks you've feel should be on top of my list of go-to's!
i want to play!